
Blog posts of '2022' 'October'

Tips to enjoy sex more during perimenopause and menopause
One of the first symptoms most women notice in perimenopause which goes on to menopause is the changes in their vulva and vagina! These changes can have a huge impact on sexual health and pleasure. So let's talk about a bit about what happens to women's bodies as they go through perimenopause and menopause and discuss some tips on how women overcome some of these obstacles and enjoy sex more after menopause!
(0) 5 signs of ovulation
Most information available teaches women that they ovulate on day 14 of their cycle. This is based on a 28 day cycle; but most women don't have a 28 day cycle and some have irregular cycles, so what then? Luckily our body is very good at telling us when ovulation is close and our scientists have provided 5 signs for you to watch for.
(0) Primary ovarian insufficiency and fertility
Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) happens when ovaries stop working like they should before the age of 40. This is usually when ovaries stop producing enough estrogen and stop releasing eggs. This can lead to infertility and premature menopause.