
Blog posts of '2022' 'June'

(0) How to relieve menopause symptoms
The period of menopause is one of the most critical phases in a woman’s life. It usually begins in the late forties or early fifties and lasts for a few years. During this time, at least two-thirds of menopausal women experience symptoms of menopause, such as hot flushes, night sweats, difficulty sleeping, a reduced sex drive (libido), headaches etc. In this article, we share some natural tips to relieve the symptoms.
Menopause and vaginal health
As many women approach the golden ages of their forties and fifties, a challenging journey begins - menopause. There are many treatments and holistic lifestyle changes that women can take to reduce the discomfort often associated with this journey. A lack of oestrogen during menopause can have a significant impact on vaginal health, and cause some uncomfortable symptoms. In this article, we discuss what symptoms women usually experience and their reasons and share some tips on how to do an easy health check.